Why should energy mapping become part of the daily work?

March 1, 2023

The energy mapping must be done every four years by measuring the total energy use in the company for a limited period. But there are several advantages to making energy mapping a part of your daily work.

The energy mapping must be done every four years by measuring the total energy use in the company for a limited period. But there are several advantages to making energy mapping a part of your daily work.


Since 2014, larger companies must carry out an energy survey every four years. The mapping must report the company's total energy use and provide a basis for energy-efficient measures. 


Usually, the energy mapping takes a few months. The most important part for the energy surveyor is to collect data in the form of drawings, measurement protocols and operating and maintenance instructions. Correct data is the key to identifying where you can save energy and in the long run reduce your costs.

What data do you use for energy mapping?

A traditional energy mapping means setting up a number of measurement points over a period to see where the energy is used. You also need to identify processes that have significant energy use. 

There are some relatively inexpensive measures that are relevant to basically all manufacturing industries:

– tight leaking valves  

– fix leaks in compressed air systems with, for example, sectioning

– switch to LED lighting.

At the same time, it is a challenge to obtain accurate measurement data in an industry. The base load is almost always higher than you think, and despite careful measurements there is often a residual energy that is hard to tell where it goes. 

By instead choosing ongoing energy monitoring, the business gets significantly higher data quality and precision in where the energy goes. You can, for example, use SenseNode's wireless IOT sensors to follow up month by month how, where and when the energy is used.

Bigger savings when energy mapping becomes part of your daily work

Energy prices are rising and even if you have a fixed electricity price today, it won't last forever. At the same time, higher demands are placed on fossil fuels to be phased out in favor of electricity. 


How do you stay in control when the cost of energy rises?


The future is spelled energy monitoring in real time. When you know where the energy goes, it becomes clearer what measures are needed today and tomorrow. When you measure energy use continuously, it is also possible to detect unnecessary base load. It can be machines that only work during the day with a high standby power even at night. Then there are also old systems with low energy efficiency that should be replaced before they break down. 


With the measurement in place, it will be easy and cost-effective to do an energy mapping according to the legal requirements. The energy surveyor can perform parts of his work remotely, which means lower travel costs and fewer visits. This means a cost-effective solution that contributes to increased sustainability, especially for larger groups with several facilities around the country. 


When you have access to measurement data in real time, it is also possible to follow up on how well the energy efficiency measures work. It makes you a better claimant to the contractors installing the components because you can actually measure how quickly the action pays for itself.

Do your next energy mapping together with SenseNode

SenseNode helps you set up energy monitoring where you can analyze the data in real time. We also work with certified energy surveyors who can carry out the statutory survey every four years. 

Contact us to find out what savings you can make!

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