Facilitate sustainability reporting with detailed energy data collection  

July 25, 2023

As the new EU directive CSRD covers the entire business value chain and that there must be strategies for how the processes look going forward, this will mean the collection and analysis of large amounts of data. Doing that work manually will be very labor intensive and inefficient.

Processes and CSRD

With the help of SenseNode's solution, much of your work related to the business's energy use can be automated and thus facilitate your collection of data for sustainability reporting, while at the same time making the business more energy efficient. You get full insight into your total energy use - collection of data at a detailed level, analysis, proposals for measures and reporting. Working with energy efficiency is a long-term effort that requires that there are set goals and that the entire business is committed.


Here you have the opportunity to influence your energy use and make a real difference in your sustainability work. What builds up your loads, what value do they create, which device consumes the most energy, when can maintenance be scheduled and more? Increase knowledge and commitment about your energy use throughout the business by easily visualizing your energy data from our analysis tool Energy Analytics.


  1. Follow up on your goals and easily report energy use with suggested measures.
  2. Compile data, keep track of selected energy values ​​and analyze how different types of energy are used in real time in your facilities.
  3. Support for production and maintenance planning.

Ready to improve energy efficiency?

Book a demo to see how SenseNode can add expertise and data to the energy efficiency work. 

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