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Minute resolution


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Time series analysis


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Wireless Measurement

The electricity meter is stor that en palm and be assembled simple with the enclosed the attachment. The meter tensionconnected to en three-phase group Incl. nneutral conductor. De openable the pliers be assembled of de cables that ska be measured. Inga data cables is needed, the meter communicates wirelessly with the central unit. Then the energy meter measures both voltage and Current, is the always genuine aktiv Energy solutions that is measured. 

Appreciate your savings


3 MWh

5 MWh

10 MWh

15 MWh

20 MWh


- SEK 90

- SEK 150

- SEK 300

- SEK 450

– SEK 600


- SEK 150

- SEK 250

- SEK 500

- SEK 750

-1 SEK


- SEK 300

- SEK 500

-1 SEK

-1 SEK

-2 SEK


- SEK 450

- SEK 750

-1 SEK

-2 SEK

-3 SEK


- SEK 600

-1 SEK

-2 SEK

-3 SEK


The amounts are shown in SEK per year as we expect that efficiency improvements made will last thanks to continuous measurement and smart energy follow-up.

In some cases, it may be about streamlining and eliminating energy that does no work on the entire plant, but you can also divide the plant's total energy use into sections.

You have a facility that uses a total of 20 MWh/year, but you want to have better control over a part of the facility that uses approx. 000 MWh/year. Here it is assessed that there is a potential to reduce the energy requirement by approx. 5%, which would mean an annual saving of approx. SEK 000.

If we then make energy use visible and quantifiable at a detailed level, it is possible to prioritize them and target measures and link them to concrete improvements in energy performance. Then we set an alarm on it so that the technology can keep track of whether our streamlining continues and raise an alarm if it starts to deviate.

Price example

1-5 GWh

Enter your description
SEK 4 500 per month
  • Unlimited users
  • 10 sensors

5-20 GWh

Enter your description
SEK 10 600 per month
  • Unlimited users
  • 30 sensors
  • Integrate 10 sensors
  • Advisory from senior energy engineer

20+ GWh

Enter your description
SEK 24 000 per month
  • Unlimited users
  • 30 sensors
  • Advisory from senior energy engineer
  • Several energy carriers
  • List item

All monthly costs include Sensenode Energy Analytics and are price examples per facility with full service and warranty throughout the contract period.

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