Product calculation

24 August 2022

In order for a product calculation to be as accurate as possible, you need the right data. It is important to find out exactly what costs each product will bear. Only then can you get an idea of ​​the profitability of the product.

In order for a product calculation to be as accurate as possible, you need the right data. It is important to find out exactly what costs each product will bear. Only then can you get an idea of ​​the profitability of the product. 


By, for example, looking at energy data and finding out what energy consumption you have when producing a certain unit or weight, you can improve your product calculations. To achieve this, you should digitize your factory and ensure that data from meters is sent to a cloud service. Only then can you make the calculations that need to be made for a complete product calculation.

Product calculation as part of energy monitoring

When working with energy monitoring then you collect all the data you need to be able to make a product calculation. You then get information about how different machines work, what effect they have, how much energy they consume, etc. You simply get an overall picture of your production. 

The information can then be used to analyze the consumption of energy that the production of a unit has. It becomes easier to identify which changes you can make if you also have a clear understanding of how energy consumption is linked to production. The insights can be the basis for strategic changes in production where, for example, you choose to increase production during certain hours, or to run machines at night, etc. 

From a business financial perspective, it is always good to have product calculations as grounded in reality as possible. It then becomes easier to evaluate profitability in production lines and right down to the product level. You simply get better transparency in the business.

Accurate product calculations with SenseNode

SenseNode calculates the exact consumption for each unit or ton produced. By digitize measurement data from facilities, properties and factories and send data up to the cloud service, energy monitoring becomes simple and effective.

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