New electricity price model from 29 October: How your business is affected

13 September 2024

On October 29, a new electricity price model will be introduced that will affect companies and consumers all over Sweden. This model, called flow-based capacity calculation, regulates how electricity flows between different markets and electricity areas in the Nordics. It replaces an older, more linear method, and is expected to be better adapted to the energy supply in the green transition.

Adaptation to a dynamic electricity market

The new the method is sea complex and dynamic. The goal is to use the power grid of one safer and effektivt way, and of so screw smooth ut the prices between various regions. This expected leda to increased competition and is a incentive to innovation. Then the material moisture meter shows you the ongoing greens the changeover requires major flexibility i electricity trade, this is particularly important. The introduction av flow based capacity calculation happens first i north and is en portion of one major EUinitiative. 

How does the model work?

The new models is deleted in the the electricity supply of top way can meet society's needs och samtdeeply upäthold of the power grid stabilityWith andra words strives the material moisture meter shows you the after to maximize the material moisture meter shows you the total the capacity between electrical areas at the same time that the material moisture meter shows you the respects de physical the limitations i the net.  

Who is affected and how?

All projects actors of the electricity market are affected, from network owners to end consumers. From the outside simulations made of Swedish Power grid expected the electricity price increase, particularly of card to medium length term. The change coming to will vary between various electricity price areas, where electricity price range 3 expected suffer worst. According to Swedish kraftnät's simulations, the prices there can increase by 17,5 percent in the next year.  

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