
Metalworking often involves energy-intensive and complex processes. With real-time machine-level measurements, SenseNode offers the ability to optimize energy usage. Leveraging our experience with some of the largest metalworking companies in the Nordic region, we provide new insights that help you optimize energy consumption without affecting production.

Customers in Metalworking

Energy Challenges in Metalworking

High Energy Usage and Costs

Metalworking is an energy-intensive industry where heating, melting, and processing metals require large amounts of energy. This leads to high operating costs and significant environmental impact.

Equipment Maintenance and Lifespan

Processing equipment is subject to significant stress and wear. Regular maintenance and monitoring are necessary to prevent unexpected downtime and extend the equipment's lifespan.

Process Optimization and Productivity

Optimizing production processes to achieve maximum efficiency and productivity is a constant challenge. This includes minimizing energy consumption and waste while maintaining product quality.

Key Focus Areas

Cooling and Heat Recovery

Optimal cooling and heating systems play a critical role in energy management. Utilizing advanced cooling systems with high energy efficiency and integrating heat recovery technology can significantly reduce energy costs. Heat generated in various processes can be reused to warm other parts of the facility, reducing the need for external energy supply.

Melting and Heat Recovery

Melting is one of the most energy-intensive processes in the metal industry. Investing in energy-efficient melting furnaces and continuously monitoring energy consumption can lead to substantial energy savings. Additionally, heat generated during the melting process can be recovered and used in other parts of production, further reducing energy consumption.

Ventilation and Airflow

Effective ventilation is not only crucial for maintaining a safe working environment but also for reducing energy costs. By using smart control systems to adjust airflow based on demand, companies can minimize energy consumption and improve air quality simultaneously. Recovering heat from outgoing air is another method to increase energy efficiency.

“By monitoring and analyzing energy usage in real-time, we can not only save energy but also improve the production process.”

Magnus Holfelt

Senior Energy Engineer, SenseNode

Key Areas for Energy Efficiency in Metalworking

Real-Time Energy Consumption Monitoring

By monitoring energy consumption in real-time, it is possible to quickly identify inefficient processes and take corrective actions.

Well-Founded Investment Calculations

Sub-metering at the machine level provides the best data for well-founded investment calculations.

Optimized Auxiliary Processes

Optimizing auxiliary processes such as ventilation, lighting, compressed air systems, and internal transportation can yield significant energy savings without affecting production capacity.

Heat Recovery

Understand your heat recovery and ensure it is designed in the best possible way.

How Energy Analytics Helps

Advanced Data Analysis

Identify long-term trends and patterns in energy consumption to understand where and when energy peaks occur.

Automated Reporting

Generates detailed reports that help track and analyze energy usage over time.

Scheduled Alarms

Implement scheduled alarms to quickly respond to deviations in energy consumption, enabling immediate corrective actions and preventing unnecessary energy losses.

Want to know how energy-efficient your metalworking industry can become?

Contact us to book a demo and see how SenseNode can transform your energy management with our innovative solutions.

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