Food Industry

The food industry faces significant challenges when it comes to energy efficiency. SenseNode assists companies in optimizing their energy consumption through advanced measurement, precise monitoring, and an effective energy management system (EMS). By focusing on refrigeration and freezing systems, hygiene and cleaning, as well as ventilation and heat recovery, we can contribute to a more energy-efficient operation. 

Customers in the food industry

Energy Challenges in the Food Industry

Cooling and Freezing systems

Refrigeration and freezing systems are major energy consumers that need to run around the clock. Inefficient use can lead to high energy costs and negatively impact product quality. By monitoring the efficiency of refrigeration and freezing systems in real-time, we can identify and address inefficiencies, providing a solid foundation for improvements.

Ventilation and Heat Recovery ​

Ventilation is essential for maintaining a good working environment, but it can be energy-intensive. By implementing effective heat recovery systems, energy losses can be significantly reduced. When you have a clear picture of your energy usage, it can be optimized through control systems and strategic investments.

Hygiene and Cleaning ​

Strict hygiene requirements demand regular and often energy-intensive cleaning. Efficient cleaning routines are therefore crucial to minimizing unnecessary energy consumption. With the help of our technology, companies can measure and follow up on cleaning routines to ensure that energy-saving guidelines are adhered to, leading to direct energy efficiency through behavioral changes.

“By monitoring and analyzing energy usage in real-time, we can not only save energy but also improve the production process.”

Magnus Holfelt

Senior Energy Engineer, SenseNode

How Energy Analytics Helps

With Energy Analytics, you easily access information about your energy usage. Here are some examples of features that are particularly relevant for the food industry: 

Scheduled alerts follow production cycles

Ensure that energy consumption is optimal at every step of the process.

Visualization of Energy Data

Makes it easy to share information and raise awareness within the company.

Automated Reporting

Generates detailed reports that help track and analyze energy usage over time.

How Energy Efficient Is Your Food Industry?

Discover how SenseNode can transform your energy management. Contact us to book a demo and see our solutions in action! 

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