How Do You Track Your Peak Power Usage From the Utility?

24 August 2022

Your business consumes power from the electricity grid every second. The peak power sets the price level for the subscription, regardless of what the power demand otherwise looks like. Therefore, there is every reason to ensure that the maximum peak power is as tight to the actual need, and as even over time as possible. Can you follow your power consumption in real time and get an idea of ​​what the need actually looks like so you can flatten out any power needs over time?

Hidden behind the charts are electric motors, dryers, ovens, cold rooms, ventilation, lighting, compressed air compressors, vehicle charging, behavior of the staff and habits that, in the worst case, have become costly habits over time.


Save money by adjusting your utility subscription to your actual energy needs by flattening out the power needs.

What & Why: Power Subscription

The vast majority of energy-intensive businesses have a power subscription with their electric utility as a fixed fee.

The purpose of power subscriptions is that you should not pay for more power than you actually use and at the same time act as a financial incentive to keep power consumption down.

The price of the subscription is set by the maximum power you as a customer need access to during a certain occasion.

That is, the lower peak power you need to draw from the grid during your maximum hour to run your business, the less you pay for your subscription per month.

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