Energy mapping

Companies that use more than 2,8 GWh of energy per year are subject to the energy survey requirement according to the Energy Survey Act (2014:266). If no survey has been previously conducted, the first one must be submitted no later than 11 October 2026. From 1 January 2025, the law will be extended to also include companies with high annual energy consumption, which means that many companies may need to conduct their first survey as early as 2025–2026.

Alternatives to statutory ECL

A traditional energy audit is usually conducted by an external consultant who delivers a report based on one-time measurements of the company's energy use.


With an energy management system that SenseNode Energy Analytics Instead, the company receives continuous, streaming data from all measurement points, enabling deeper analysis and automated reporting. This approach takes into account seasonal variations, production changes and other factors that affect energy use, while providing the opportunity to actively work on improvements in real time.

Benefits of SenseNode Energy Analytics:
Complete overview of energy usage in real time.
Ability to identify and implement energy savings without major investments.
Support for working on routines and behavioral changes between reports.

SenseNodes Almost Digital EKL

For companies that have the energy management system SenseNode ENERGY analytics can SenseNode Advisorys certified energy surveyors carry out the statutory mapping.  

Start-up meeting

Together we ensure that Energy Analytics contains the necessary data for an EKL.

Forms and support

SenseNode sends a form to be filled out, as well as a list of which images our certified energy surveyor needs from the facility.

Submission of forms and photographs

The company's on-site representative returns the completed form and photographs to our certified energy surveyor.

Compilation and analysis

SenseNode Advisory compiles a draft EKL report prior to the site visit.

If necessary: ​​site visit and validation

Our certified energy surveyor visits the facility and reviews the report together with the technicians, conducts his own inspection and seeks answers to any questions before the final EKL report.

Completed report

Sensenode Advisory takes care of submission to the Swedish Energy Agency and the report is ready for the next 3 years.

Use EKL for real efficiency improvement work. Get a complete action assessment, not just a paper product.

Magnus Holfelt

Senior Energy Engineer, SenseNode

It doesn't get cheaper than this.

Since the company has SenseNode ENERGY analytics constantly updated data and report function, the quantitative part of an energy survey can be done remotely through existing analysis– and reportfunctions.  

To verify and supplement the quantitative part, some information about the business is needed, as well as photographs that the company's own staff can submit. This saves working time, travel costs, environmental footprint and can be done when it suits you and your business.


Thanks to this, we can offer a statutory energy survey equivalent to half the price of a consultant.


Please note that Sensenode does not actively sell energy surveys, but offers the service to our existing customers who have SenseNode. Energy Analytics.


This gives us minimal costs for carrying out a survey, which means we can offer energy surveys at the market's most competitive prices.

New legislation

The latest revision of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) requires companies using between 2,8 GWh and 23,6 GWh of energy per year to conduct an energy audit. This can be done either through a certified energy auditor or with an energy management system. If the company has an annual use of more than 23,6 GWh, it must have implemented an energy management system by 11 October 2027.


What applies to company groups?

As a company group, you do an overall EKL including all sites. You can prioritize what should be included, based on those with the highest energy usage. Each individual site needs to do its energy mapping according to the statements in the overall energy mapping.

I rent my premises, should they be included in EKL?

You are only obliged to map the parts of the business that you have control over. In rented premises, the tenant usually has control over the energy of his own business, but not over the building's energy use. However, the Energy Agency recommends that you work with your property owner to get an overall picture of your energy use.

How do I report?

The report that is made must be kept by the companies and does not need to be sent in. The Energy Agency can, however, request the report in connection with supervision, follow-up and via a reporting procedure.

How do you benefit from working with EKL?

Talk to me about energy mapping.

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