Category: Strategy

New electricity price model from 29 October: How your business is affected

On October 29, a new electricity price model will be introduced that will affect companies and consumers all over Sweden. This model, called flow-based capacity calculation, regulates how electricity flows between different markets and electricity areas in the Nordics. It replaces an older, more linear method, and is expected to be better adapted to the energy supply in the green transition.

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Connect Purpose to Technology

Are you tasked with streamlining your energy use or reporting energy data to the company's scope 3 reporting? As a leader, you need to set a goal and create conditions for everyone to contribute within the framework of their normal work flow. Leadership cannot be done by anyone else, but information and nudging will do a large part of the work towards the goal in everyday life.

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Is the time before the next growth phase used optimally? 

There is talk that the economy could possibly start to lighten up in the second half of 2024. Everyone is looking forward to production starting to spin again after 2023's uncertainty and slowdown. Although the PMI for the industry fluctuates up and down on a monthly basis, the trend has been positive for a few months now, which may indicate that the bottom is starting to be reached. Sweden and the USA have the most positive purchasing managers if you disregard China, which is in growth according to Silf and Swedbank's Purchasing Managers Index for December 2023. 

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Extreme cold and high electricity prices - how should companies think then?

Winter has swept across the country with extreme cold, resulting in increased electricity use to heat houses and premises, among other things. In these cold times, every megawatt counts, and pricing becomes sensitive to supply and demand. The coming winter and spring's price development is highly dependent on the weather, and the long-term forecast currently points to a cold January, with winds also expected to be weaker than normal.

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What is Industry 4.0?

Industry 4.0 and the smart factory are the topic on everyone's lips. But what does it really mean and what difference can it make to you and your business?

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Why choose a SaaS solution?

SaaS (Software as a Service) is in practice a service provided over the internet. Instead of installing software on a computer or server, it is available directly over the internet, for example via a website or an app. The supplier is responsible for the infrastructure and the technical know-how.

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