Category: Operations

Connect Purpose to Technology

Are you tasked with streamlining your energy use or reporting energy data to the company's scope 3 reporting? As a leader, you need to set a goal and create conditions for everyone to contribute within the framework of their normal work flow. Leadership cannot be done by anyone else, but information and nudging will do a large part of the work towards the goal in everyday life.

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What is Industry 4.0?

Industry 4.0 and the smart factory are the topic on everyone's lips. But what does it really mean and what difference can it make to you and your business?

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How Do You Track Your Peak Power Usage From the Utility?

Your business consumes power from the electricity grid every second. The peak power sets the price level for the subscription, regardless of what the power demand otherwise looks like. Therefore, there is every reason to ensure that the maximum peak power is as tight to the actual need, and as even over time as possible. Can you follow your power consumption in real time and get an idea of ​​what the need actually looks like so you can flatten out any power needs over time?

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What is base consumption?

What is base consumption? When talking about the consumption of energy, the total consumption is usually divided into two parts. On the one hand, you talk about base consumption and on the other hand, you talk about dynamic consumption.

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Switchgear and unnecessary power peaks

Power peaks occur when there is a high load on the electricity grid, which makes it even more expensive for the electricity companies to deliver electricity and thus also more expensive for the consumer.

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