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Energy Tips From Our Energy Expert Magnus Holfelt, Part 2

There are many examples of industries that have an unnecessarily high energy consumption during times when operations are at a standstill, on vacations, weekends and long weekends. Because of this, securing the lowest possible base load outside production hours is an activity that all industries should work on.

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Revised Energy Efficiency Directive (EED)

SenseNode's solution facilitates the implementation of an energy mapping according to the legal requirements. Continuous measurement creates the possibility of simple and cost-effective energy mapping as well as better conditions and precision when calculating proposed measures.

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What is the difference between a control system and an Energy Management System?

The simple answer is that a control system and Energy Management System (EMS) have different purposes and areas of focus, although they may partially overlap. An Energy Management System (EMS) makes it possible to understand the energy use in a facility or industrial operation, i.e. to help the business reduce its energy costs and carbon dioxide emissions by identifying and managing energy losses and leakage. While a control system is a broader term that can be used in areas such as industrial automation, process control, machine control and building automation. Although the systems may overlap in terms of energy use, there are reasons to use an EMS in addition to a control system to improve energy efficiency and achieve optimal energy use.

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Almi Invest GreenTech Invests in SenseNode, Who Makes the Industry More Energy Efficient

Almi Invest GreenTech invests seven million SEK in SenseNode. SenseNode has developed a comprehensive solution for energy efficiency in industry. The advanced hardware and software contribute to significant savings in all types of industries. Latour Future Solutions also participates with SEK 25 mission in the issue. The capital is to be used for further expansion to meet the great customer interest.

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How does hydropower work?

Hydropower works by extracting energy from flowing water. Water flowing through a turbine in turn drives a generator that produces electricity.

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