Bufab Lann Reduced Electricity Consumption by 22% Through the Use of Traceable Data

In 2019, BUFAB Lann AB was introduced to SenseNode's energy monitoring system. At that time, they had ideas of start working with energy efficiency and getting insights in their energy usage, but they lacked the necessary measuring tools.

Results in Numbers

Total reduced energy
0 %

Equals 917 790 kWh compared to previous year


At the time, they could only see their daily consumption. With SenseNode's solution, it would mean they could overview their consumption at a detailed level and thus be able to make adjustments and savings. This was the starting point for the work to make their energy usage more efficient.


The installation of meters began, and with the help of SenseNode's experts these were configured and connected to SenseNode's analysis tool. BUFAB Lann now got a clear picture of their energy usage and insight into areas where they could adjust parameters to make their processes more efficient. This resulted in reduced energy consumption and lower costs.

The Result

Bufab Lann began its energy efficiency project by installing measurement points for data collection and analysis. The initial focus was on the manufacturing equipment to get a clear overview and understand how energy was used; identify the minimum need for operation, analyze base load during weekends when there is no production, and more. At this stage, no investments were made in new equipment.


In 2022, SenseNode's analysis tool was upgraded to Energy Analytics, which enabled a more detailed overview of energy use. In October of the same year, an extensive savings project was initiated. By adjusting routines, commitment from employees and reviewing the base load, BUFAB Lann managed to reduce its electricity consumption by 22%, corresponding to 917 790 kWh, compared to the previous year. This success would not have been possible without detailed energy monitoring and measurement.


Further savings were achieved by adjusting the washing process, changing chemicals and lowering the wash temperature from 60°C to 40°C. This adjustment on a single machine resulted in a 30% reduction in energy consumption.


The next step in Bufab Lann's work to make its energy use more efficient is to maintain the current levels and strive to improve them further next year. At the same time, they are considering reviewing possible investments in the machine park to be able to maximize efficiency even more.


Easy to set and follow up on goals

With SenseNode's Energy Analytics, it is easy to set clear goals for your energy efficiency work. The system provides detailed information on where the energy is consumed. Analyze and continuously follow up the recommended measures to then see the results and potential for further energy savings.

Routines and commitment

In order to run a successful energy efficiency work, in addition to an analysis tool for measurement and analysis, fixed routines must also be established and the commitment of all involved must be encouraged.

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