Case Study

SCA's Sawmill: "Without SenseNode, we would have discovered the problem when it was too late."

SCA's sawmill in Bollsta is one of the largest in Sweden, with a total of 50 wood dryers. When operations engineer Jimmy Sehlberg needed a deeper understanding of the facility's energy usage, he reached out to SenseNode for assistance with metering. A test installation of meters on one of the dryers was conducted. Thanks to the insights gained from the energy measurements, they were able to improve the ventilation process and, consequently, the quality of the drying. New meters are now being installed to continue enhancing quality and increasing energy efficiency.

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Quality improvement and production increase with energy metering at Södra Långasjö

Södra Långasjö began a collaboration with SenseNode in 2022 to gain a deeper understanding of the energy needs of its wood dryers. Although many of the dryers are equivalent, there were signs that energy consumption varied. To gain clarity, measuring equipment was installed on all dryers, where water flow, temperature and the fans' electricity consumption were monitored. The results of the measurements were surprising. "It wasn't what we thought," says Nicklas Nilsson, operations engineer at Södra. It was found that equivalent dryers performed differently.

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Rapid Energy Improvements with Low Investment for DOT Halmstad

DOT, specializing in surface treatment, has swiftly reduced energy consumption and increased profitability through a successful partnership with SenseNode. By insulating a large zinc kettle, optimizing production, and reducing demand charges, DOT has achieved significant energy savings with minimal investment.

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Boliden Bergsöe Reduced Pump Failures by 64%

Boliden Bergsöe pumps molten lead in a tough environment. The conditions wear down the equipment and there were about 60 pump renovations per year, all to considerable costs. With energy monitoring, breakdowns were reduced by over 64%.

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