Almi Invest GreenTech Invests in SenseNode, Who Makes the Industry More Energy Efficient

October 24, 2022

Almi Invest GreenTech invests seven million SEK in SenseNode. SenseNode has developed a comprehensive solution for energy efficiency in industry. The advanced hardware and software contribute to significant savings in all types of industries. Latour Future Solutions also participates with SEK 25 mission in the issue. The capital is to be used for further expansion to meet the great customer interest.

Increased focus on climate and the environment, in combination with ever-increasing energy prices means industrial companies have stronger incentives than ever to improve energy efficiency.

SenseNode has developed a digital solution for energy monitoring and efficiency improvement, primarily aimed at the manufacturing industry. Using advanced analysis, it can identify actual improvements while providing ongoing follow-up with automatic reports and alarm functions. The service also suggests direct measures to save both CO₂ and money.

An Investment in Future Energy Management

SenseNode has developed a digital solution for energy monitoring and efficiency improvement, primarily aimed at the manufacturing industry. Using advanced analysis, it can identify actual improvements while providing ongoing follow-up with automatic reports and alarm functions. The service also suggests direct measures to save both CO₂ and money.


The service is easy to get started with and gives actual results immediately. For example, it can identify deviations in energy consumption which often leads to 5-15 percent energy savings through relatively simple measures. The technology consists of a complete IoT, sensor and communication solution with an associated software platform. It is compatible with practically all industrial applications at the customers, which provides a short start distance.


- Prevailing macro trends with an increased focus on climate and the environment as well as high and volatile energy prices benefit SenseNode, says Jörgen Bodin, Investment Manager at Almi Invest GreenTech. The manufacturing industry is very interested in improvements that both contribute to energy efficiency and provide increased profitability - exactly what SenseNode offers.

SenseNode has its headquarter in Lund and has eight employees so far, but will now grow.


- Our innovative solution has made us a strong partner for energy efficiency in industry - we both contribute with a complete solution and expert knowledge that is scalable, says Erik O. Andersson, CEO SenseNode. With more and more satisfied customers, interest is growing and thanks to this investment, we can now gear up and meet the great customer interest.


There is a plan for international expansion, even though the Swedish market remains the highest priority.


- SenseNode's solutions are within one of our investment areas - sustainable energy systems, where the absolute greenest electricity is the one which is never used, says Pelle Mattisson, CEO Latour Future Solutions AB.


Read the press release on the Almi Invest GreenTech website.

For further information contact

Jörgen Bodin, Investment Manager Almi Invest GreenTech, 0722-05 26 79

Erik Andersson, CEO SenseNode, 0708-30 95 68

Pelle Mattisson, CEO Latour Future Solutions, 0705-80 06 57

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