Production data – the key to successful energy efficiency

By analysing energy and production data together, production managers can not only achieve improved energy efficiency, but also optimize their production processes. SenseNodes new feature enable integration of production data into Energy Analytics.

We recently worked with a company that, despite active energy efficiency work with changed routines, increased its energy consumption compared to the previous year. Why? The answer could not be found in energy data but was due to an increase in production.

With this insight, the company began to closely measure its work with KPIs for energy per kg and energy per unit of production. The result was not only that their previous work with energy efficiency was visible, but also new opportunities for further energy efficiency.

Benefits of analysing energy and production data together

  • A new way to find energy efficiency improvements
    By combining energy and production data, it is possible to identify when energy consumption does not correspond to production levels. This may involve comparing different production lines or ensuring reduced energy use in the event of inactive production.
  • Cost optimization
    Energy costs make up a significant portion of the total operating costs of many industries. By analysing how consumption varies with production volume, you can see your products from a new profitability perspective.
  • Environment and sustainability
    KPIs in the form of energy per unit of production are becoming increasingly important in energy management systems and sustainability reporting, not least for providing your customers with CSRD, Scope 3 data. By comparing production data with detailed energy measurements, you can offer your customers reliable and verified sustainability data.
  • Investment data and follow-up
    Energy per unit of production gives management new opportunities to understand and influence the energy issue through follow-up. Monitoring to these types of KPIs also provides valuable insights for investing in equipment or restructuring production processes.

Important factors for a good production analysis

  • Don’t forget about the support processes
    In a survey conducted on Swedish companies’ EKL from 2011 to 2014, support processes accounted for 53% of the total energy consumption, representing 78% of the potential for energy efficiency.1 It is therefore important not only to measure energy use at the machine level, but also to create an understanding of the entire factory’s energy use.
  • Base your calculations on real-time data
    It is common to calculate energy per unit of production by dividing the total incoming energy by the number of units produced. However, to really be of help in the energy efficiency work, more detailed data is needed. This is achieved by high-quality measurement with a low margin of error.

New feature in Energy Analytics

Together with our customers, we have developed a new feature in Energy Analytics – the “Products” function. It is now possible to combine production data with energy data. The feature is a first step towards integrating these important parts. We look forward to further developing the function together with our customers.

With the product feature, you can easily get an overview of your key metrics, see summaries, and observe changes over time. You can easily enter your production data and match it with your energy data.

Good luck with your energy efficiency efforts! Feel free to contact us for assistance and advice.